Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Summer Trail Tops - Rock Garden print

A long time in the oven - we are at last proud to bring you the first ever Flôe riding top. Hot of the machinist’s table - these tops are made from 100% super breathable polyester and feature super durable colour fast, breathable, bombproof sublimation process artwork - unlike a screen print you don’t get all sweaty behind the inky bits..

I am stiff faffing about with a few of the construction details and the final price but right now I have some prototype tops kicking about for $70 - price will hike up a bit to cover costs but for now I am happy to let them go a bit cheaper to help promote a good thing and an exciting new development for Flôe..

Ride proven these bad boys actually improve your riding – HONESTLY! - my mate borrowed one in Vegas recently and literally rode like a pro for a couple of days!!

(Just grab one and simply glide into summer!!)

MS MM ML MXL (These suckas are a baggy MotoX style fit - buy a size smaller if you want a fitted top but they feel best when worn looser in the right size.)

(I have a technical ladies riding t shirt pattern in the pipeline)

$70 for a limited period only..

New WTP Volunteer shirt

Actually this one is well overdue - should have knocked this artwork out months ago..

We love digging new trail in our lovely little MTB park and fully respect the efforts of those that come help us - you cant buy these shirts but 10hrs digging in the Wainuioamta bush and we give you one!

(Come and help move some soil on a sunday or tuesday night if you wanna lay your hands on a natty new red tshirt!)